May 19, 2011 | Afterbirth, Afterpains, Amniocentesis, Breast feeding, Early birth, Epidural, First Birth, Grief, Hospital Birth, Mourning, Planned Pregnancy, Redemption, Reiki
Loss, Life and Love I wanted to have a baby for the first time in my life only after I watched my husband suffer through two surgeries for colon cancer over a five-week period. My mind was numb and I was almost on the edge of a nervous breakdown watching the man I...
Mar 25, 2011 | Breech, Cesarean birth, Epidural, Genetic Disorder, Planned Pregnancy, Redemption, Third birth
How My Body Was Redeemed by Childbirth (Just Not How I Expected) I knew early on that I wanted to have babies. There were significant obstacles to this desire (more of a calling, really), including my having a genetic bone disorder called osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)....
Feb 22, 2011 | Doula Attended, Empowered, Fertility Treatments, First Birth, Hospital Birth, HypnoBirthing, Midwife Attended, Planned Pregnancy, Ring of Fire
This is the story of the birth of my first child, my daughter, Elliot, on 30 November 2002. I longed for this baby. My life was everything I had ever wanted — great husband, education, dream job, lovely suburban house backing up to woods, money and time enough...